One more item off on my bucket list!!!!
I've been thinking about it for months. Just need someone to push me.
I am glad that I have Sarah with me. She got her first tatto as well. :)
We talked about and decided to do it just took 2 days. lol
Sarah and I walked in the downtown yesterday...
she saw a girl who has beautiful tattoo, so we asked her about it.
Unfortunately she got hers in Burlington, but she still recommended us two tattoo parlors in downtown.
Which are Pearl Harbor Gift Shop & Adrenaline (Queen St. just west of university).
First of all, we went to Adrenaline which made me feel not so well.
Lots people walk in, though, but staffs ignored us. (WTH....)
Secondly, Pearl Harbor is located in Kensington Ave., it doesn't even look like a tattoo parlors if you just pass by.
It seems Pearl Harbor Gift Shop is very popular?! Cuz the girl mentioned the shop can do walk-in or not.
We got when we found the parlous, it closed already.
Here the link I google:
The Best Tattoo Parlours in Toronto
The next day, we went straight to the PASSAGE TATTOO, because it's very close to my house. lol
Here is the reception.
Interesting! Before you get tattoo, you need to sign a form.
It's first time I signed it.
Last time I checked, I didn't sign anything when I got tattoo in Taiwan.
This is my tatttoo artist: Kevin!!
Still, it's PAINFUL!!!!!!
However, it's totally worthy!!
DONE!!! It took like 15 mins only.
Look how funny Kevin is. lol
Photo credit: Sarah
It's a moon with maple leaf...
just to commemorate my life in Canada
我懶的檢查文法跟拼音啦~~~看圖就好囉! ^.<